Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pre-Service Teachers

How do I become a Student Teacher at Shabazz for a secondary education certification in English?

The first step is to visit our school. There are a lot of misperceptions out there about alternative schools--most of them are incorrect. So, come in and check us out. Spend a day observing, listening, and talking with our students. Also, check out our school Website. Become familiar with what courses we teach.

You may also wish to choose to do tutoring or your shorter practicum experience with us. This will help you get a deeper understanding of our program, policies, and process of education.

If you don't have the opportunity to complete a practicum or tutoring hours, that's fine but be sure to visit.

If you decide that Shabazz might be a good pre-service placement for you, talk with your campus supervisor. Make sure that we meet the requirements for your certification.

Set up an interview with members of our department. We try to make sure that student teachers are a good fit with our personalities, teaching styles, and areas of expertise. An interview with all members of our department who are certified to act as cooperating teachers is recommended before any placement is finalized.

Pre-service teachers who wish to work with Denise will need to conduct a "demonstration" lesson with students prior to final confirmation of placement.

Realize that a Shabazz placement is challenging but highly rewarding. Pre-service teachers who work with us will be fully ready to take on their own classroom.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Can I do an independent study?
My support of "independent studies" is rare because both our current class size numbers and prep time requirements are rather high in English Dept. courses. I generally only supervise an independent study requested by administration for a student with dire medical issues.

If you feel that the school is not meeting your English course availability needs, please discuss that course staff allocation issue with administration and guidance.

Can student teachers supervise an independent study?
Not in the English Dept.

Can I do double credit in this class?
Generally -- no. However, if you feel you have a strong justification for the request, please have the conversation with us.

Can I take a class more than once?
It really depends on the course. Reader's Workshop may be taken every quarter because you are expected to read different books each time enrolled. The CLASS class may have limits on when and how many times you can take the course (i.e., first semester or second semester enrollment only). Most other courses taught by Denise and her student teachers are one-time-only enrollments. Always ask.

Is there a pre-requisite for this class?

The only course offered by Denise (at this time) that requires certain coursework prior to taking a class is the Advanced Film Analysis course. ALL STUDENTS MUST TAKE THE INTRODUCTION TO FILM ANALYSIS TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR ENROLLMENT IN THE ADVANCED COURSE.

It is recommended that students have the Dissident Press course prior to Zine Writing; however, it is NOT required.